小小樂手的主場秀,Foo Fighters與10歲歌迷跨世紀合作〈Enter Sandman〉!


Foo Fighters 10月12日於美國堪薩斯城Kansas 開唱,當天特別翻唱Metallica的經典名作〈Enter Sandman〉,特別的是,主唱Dave Grohl 邀請一位10歲小樂迷上台負責吉他演奏,由這對相差近40歲的「老少配」完成一段空前絕後的限定演出。

在其他歌迷拍攝的影片中,Dave Grohl 先詢問這位小夥伴「Collier」是否會彈吉他,並發現他熟悉許多Metallica作品,於是由Collier率先刷下〈Enter Sandman〉第一個和弦、Foo Fighters 跟進,帶來當日限定的翻唱演出。Collier 更台風穩健地接續彈了幾首Metallica組曲,讓Dave Grohl直呼:「他知道的比我們還多!」

▲Dave Grohl在這段表演結束時將吉他送給Collier,並開玩笑對他喊話:「如果我下禮拜在Ebay購物網看到這傢伙,我會找到你的,Collier!」

這已經不是第一次有「特別嘉賓」被請到Foo Fighters 的演唱會舞台,9月8日的溫哥華巡演場次中,當Dave Grohl和Taylor Hawkins看見台下一位歌迷高舉著想和樂團合唱的標示牌,便將這位年僅十六歲幸運粉絲Madi請上台,攜手演出Queen 及David Bowie的經典之作〈Under Pressure〉。

▲Foo Fighters 邀請幸運粉絲Madi 上台合唱〈Under Pressure〉。


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OH. MY. GOD. I just got to sing with my absolute favourite band in the world. I’m only sixteen and I got to meet my heroes. I got to duet with Taylor Hawkins (even with me having a cold!) WOW!! I am extraordinarily grateful for this amazing opportunity. I had no clue that it was even gonna happen. I didn’t think it was gonna happen. But it was a huge accomplishment for myself in a way that you might not expect. A lot of people are aware (or maybe not) of my struggles with mental illness and have been very supportive of me throughout it all, but something that you may not know is how much Foo Fighters helped my younger self during the worst time of my life. Essentially, I can sincerely say that without them I wouldn’t be who I am today, in fact I wouldn’t be here today. So getting to sing with the band that helped me save myself was such a dream come true, and I feel like it’s a bit of closure to my dark past. So once again, thank you to these six extraordinary guys. I can’t stop crying. Thank you Foo, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. (Also if anyone got any cool pics tag me!!) #foofighters #foofightersvancouver2018 #foofightersvancouver #davegrohl #taylorhawkins #queen #davidbowie #underpressure #freddiemercury #foo #rocknroll #music #band #rogersarena #dreamscometrue #stadium #foofightersfan #fanonstage #davegrohlfan #singer #musician #healing #chrisshiflett #natemendel #ramijaffee #patsmear #nirvana #grunge #kurtcobain #singer #vocals

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▲Madi 事後在IG分享和Foo Fighter同台的心情,更感謝他們陪她度過生活中難過的時刻。

近期Foo Fighters持續進行《Concrete and Gold Tour 2018》巡迴演出,下一站將於密爾瓦基登場,接下來更將前往聖保羅、艾德蒙頓、紐奧良等城市。


資料來源:NMEiheart Radio