

今年作為Glastonbury音樂節歷史上首位登上頭號陣容的英國黑人,Stormzy絕對沒讓任何人失望。政治人物爭相貼文讚賞,台下樂迷人潮久久難以散去,Stormzy在這晚寫下歷史,並再度給予人們激勵和勇氣。Ed Sheeran表示他是個「重大啟發」、《權力遊戲》演員Jacob Anderson稱他為「精神指標」、Adele則大呼「引他為傲!」

▲Stormzy曾和Ed Sheeran合作〈Shape of you〉,跨界合作大受好評。

來自英國、今年才25歲的Stormzy 2014年出道,他在Youtube上傳一首Freestyle饒舌歌曲〈Shut Up〉爆紅,連續兩年獲選黑人起源音樂獎(MOBO Awards)的最佳Grime樂歌手、入選BC年度之聲。因為Stormzy的出現,英國嘻哈音樂重新打入主流排行榜,過去人們認為太暴力、充滿幫派文化的英國饒舌和Grime樂終於抬頭,因此人們稱Stormzy為「倫敦地下音樂的英雄」。

▲〈Shut Up〉呈現街區少年們互相以Freestyle饒舌對決的情境,Stormzy透過歌詞強硬叫抨擊他的人「Shut Up」。

用一副低沉嗓音與濃濃的英國腔撼動樂壇,Stormzy的影響力在首張專輯《Gang Signs & Prayer》推出後達到巔峰,他表示這是一張代表著自身的專輯,將他一生的信仰、信念反映其中,以及他生活的另一面——生長在街頭,和朋友兄弟們一起做任何事,Stormzy的所有面貌匯集,造就這張橫掃英國排行榜的大碟。

《Gang Signs & Prayer》確實豐富多元,第一首歌〈First Things First〉就直截向抨擊、批評他的人大力宣戰,具有強烈的攻防意識;〈Cold〉則是Stormzy學習到如何將Grime音樂更多元、有趣呈現的作品,像是轉捩點一般在他的音樂生涯中佔據極大的意義。和Kehlani合作的〈Cigarettes & Cush〉則是一首慵懶的Slow Jam歌曲, 像他和朋友或愛人一起度過的愜意向晚;〈100 Bags〉則獻給他的母親,表達母親在其人生帶來的重要影響,也希望母親能引自己為傲。

▲強硬的〈BIG FOR YOUR BOOTS〉也是Stormzy代表作之一。

專輯收錄的〈Blinded by Your Grace Part 1〉是Stormzy最知名的代表作,他獻上自己樸實的歌聲,溫柔真摯感動不少人,他笑說:「我不是Frank Ocean,我不是歌手,但就像你不會批評Kanye West在〈Only One〉裡沒有唱得像Usher一樣好,而是能感受到他的真心,我也要在我的專輯裡做到這件事。」的確,一首優美、宏壯的抒情讚頌歌出現在饒舌專輯裡,現在成為了他的代表大作。

▲Stormzy和MNEK合作的〈Blinded by Your Grace Part 1〉進入英國排行榜前十名數十週,再度顯現他對樂壇的影響力。

至今只推出一張錄音室專輯,但各方面的成就讓Stormzy今年成功登上Glastonbury音樂節,成為首位獲選Glastonbury頭號陣容的英國黑人。他的這場大秀以Jay-Z出演的前導影片開場,告訴他「文化可以改變世界(culture moves the world)」,打造歷史的Stormzy登台,帶來一連串作品後驚喜邀請Coldplay主唱Chris Martin同台演出〈Blinded By Your Grace Pt. 1〉,和饒舌歌手Dave、Fredo攜手演出〈Funky Friday〉,並與福音合唱團獻上〈Blinded By Your Grace Pt. 2〉,感動眾人。



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Last night I headlined Glastonbury in a stab-proof vest custom made by the greatest, most iconic living artist on planet earth, the one and only BANKSY. I opened my set with words of encouragement from my hero and ultimate inspiration and the greatest rapper to ever grace planet Earth Jay-Z. I got to sing with the most incredible and legendary man I know – Chris Martin – a man who’s genius I am so in awe of that it makes me go to studio and try to emulate him. Raleigh Ritchie – one of our country’s greatest musical talents thank you my brother. Dave & Fredo – I love you my brothers, UK’s finest rappers, thank you from my heart for helping me light up the stage and making one of the most beautiful moments our culture has seen. Thank you to my lil brother @djtiiny theres no way in hell I could do this without you you have my back always and I’m so proud of you – you are my brother in arms we go to war together I appreciate you. To Bronski, Amber, Misty, Trev, Kojo, Tim, James, Sam & my whole tour/creative/production team I appreciate you all and I’m forever grateful. To my band and to my amazing choir who have worked tireless and given this their everything all whilst sounding flawless, effortless and amazing I appreciate you all very much I can’t do this without you. Massive thank yous to: the W.A.R dance crew you lot are now my brothers thank you for bringing a God-sent energy that I truly needed. To Princess K – you are a superstar, the crowd went absolutely crazy for you and I’m so excited to watch you take the world by storm. To Ballet Black, the grace, beauty and feeling you blessed the world with yesterday was felt in the hearts of millions. To Mac, Trizzy, Bobby, C1, Flipz my BikeStormz family I’m so happy the world got to see you lots talent and skills – you just showed the world about bikelife – be very fucking proud. To Big TJ & James for getting me ready and prepared for the energy this set would need. To the whole of my #MERKY team – my family who hold me down and have my back till the end. THANK YOU GUYS, THANK YOU GOD. I am proud of myself and I feel blessed and fulfilled and purposeful. Your Glastonbury 2019 headliner, over and out. ?❤️

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資料來源:The FaderBillboardPitchfork

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