不只開冰箱拍MV,John Mayer 直播藍調吉他密技


John Mayer與Leon Bridges最近發行合作的新單曲〈Inside Friend〉,這首歌其實早在疫情爆發前的2019年就錄製好了,如今選在居家隔離期間發布,MV當然也變得很應景。慵懶、迷離的旋律搭上他們在各自家中拍攝的自製影片,場景穿插在冰箱、廚具和燒烤架前,以及沙發上和後院的山景之間,而MV嘉賓則是John Mayer的狗狗,千萬別以為是搞笑影片就錯過囉!

不同於派對咖的熱情狂歡,John Mayer與Leon Bridges原本想為性格內向、居家的人打造專屬歌曲。整理曲目時,Leon Bridges認為〈Inside Friend〉和同專案其他作品不合,因此把它孤立出來束之高閣。直到新冠肺炎(COVID-19,俗稱武漢肺炎)全球大流行,他們決定再把這首歌拿出來陪伴人們度過嚴峻的時期。「我希望大家覺得這首歌慰藉人心和令人振奮,好好渡過居家時光。」Leon Bridges說道。

另一方面,Stevie Wonder在5月13日歡慶70歲大壽,為祝傳奇音樂人生日快樂,John Mayer在社群上分享一件他生日當天發生的甜蜜往事。幾年前朋友在他生日當天帶他出去吃飯,當蛋糕推出來,大家準備唱生日快樂歌時,他一眼望去,發現Stevie Wonder獨自唱著歌。「那瞬間讓我驚艷不已的,不僅是他從隔壁間傳來的友善,也教我加入別人的歌時也許能和別人分享喜悅。」從那天起,John Mayer開始仿效Stevie Wonder的做法,只要在餐廳遇到有人生日就會跟著唱歌。


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Happy Birthday Stevie Wonder! I’d like to share a story about Stevie with you. Some years back, my friends took me to dinner to celebrate my birthday. On the way in, I saw Stevie sitting at what would end up being a few tables away from me. At the end of dinner, when the cake came out and my table started singing Happy Birthday, I looked over and saw Stevie Wonder singing along. That moment blew me away not just in the kindness he showed from across the room, but as a lesson on the kind of joy that’s possible to share with others when you join in their song. Ever since that day, I have always done what Stevie did for me, and sing along for anyone’s birthday at a restaurant. Stevie, today I sing along with your loved ones on your very special day. ♥️

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John Mayer原本預定在夏天與Dead & Company展開巡迴演唱,因疫情影響而不得不取消巡演行程。為陪伴大家一起度過居家隔離期,他除了發佈新歌,也大方在Instagram直播分享自己的「藍調吉他獨奏」祕技,有空練練吧!



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