引人遐思的純真呢喃,從 Lana Del Rey 字裡行間瞥見優雅與哀愁


Lana Del Rey 以專輯《Born to Die》成名,除了正規發行專輯外,更於 YouTube 累積了許多未發行的優秀作品,包含單曲〈Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd〉。十年過去,她早已有了更多不同的詩詞與音樂風貌,作詞人與詩人的身分更有凌駕復古歌姬之勢。擁有最長歌名的〈hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have – but i have it〉問世後,新身分「吟遊詩人」就此深植人心。

Lana Del Rey 對詩與文學的鍾愛從出道時就能看出眉目:哲學系畢業的她受到不少詩人或作家作品啟發而創作歌曲,例如她寫出歌曲〈Lolita〉和〈Off To The Races〉的靈感多少來自俄裔美國作家 Vladimir Nabokov 的同名小說《蘿莉塔》;〈Body Electric〉則來自美國詩人 Walt Whitman(惠特曼)的詩作〈I Sing the Body Electric〉。


出版詩集《Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass》並親自朗誦,發行同名朗讀專輯。年過三十的 Lana,心態更趨平靜,並將更多目光聚焦到愛情以外的地方:自身與家鄉,也完成了一直以來都想書寫的詩集。

她在第一首與書同名的詩中就宣告:「i decided to do nothing about everything」並於另一首詩〈SportCruiser〉中提到自己在三十三歲生日那天去上了飛行課,想成為自己的領航者而不必再從他人身上尋找方向。

▲ 於2020年發行詩集《Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass》並親自朗誦,發行同名朗讀專輯。


Lana Del Rey 雖出生於紐約,但大部分生活與創作生涯都在 L.A. 度過,可謂她的第二家鄉與孕育作品之地,她也寫了一首長詩給 L.A. 說道:「 LA, I’m from nowhere who am I to love you / LA, I’ve got nothing who am I to love you…」即使已是頗負盛名的藝術家,但置身於偌大繁華、給予自己創作養分的城市,Lana Del Rey 依舊深感自身渺小並以一種柔軟的姿態重複訴說著對 L.A. 的愛。

▲ 即使已頗具盛名, Lana Del Rey 的作品中仍傳遞一種委身城市中的渺小與無力感。

專屬 60 年代的風情萬種

談起 Lana Del Rey 的形象,總能從她身上聯想到貓王前妻 Priscilla Presley 的風格影子,充滿復古風情,甚至有人將她與 Marilyn Monroe(瑪麗蓮夢露)的照片合成合照,看來毫不違和,活脫脫是身處60年代的女子。

她早年的歌曲總不離兩個形容:歌詞充滿爭議性(戀父情結、紙醉金迷與毀滅性的愛情等)與富含電影感(尤其專輯《Ultraviolence》的迷幻搖滾曲風)。但她其實早就嘗試在歌曲中朗誦詩詞或獨白,以 Lana 因爭議性歌詞而非常著名的一首歌曲〈Cola〉為例,正式發行版中的前奏只收錄音樂,但 YouTube 版本前奏加上詩詞朗誦,朗誦的內容正是 Walt Whitman 的〈Song of Myself〉其中一段:

With music strong I come, with my cornets and my drums,
I play not marches for accepted victors only
I play great marches for conquer’d and slain persons.

Have you heard that it was good the gain the day?
I also say it is good to fall, battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won.

I beat and pound for the dead
I blow through my embouchures my loudest and gayest for them.


Lana Del Rey 唱腔多變,低音唱法尤因慵懶、性感而頗受讚譽;但當她說話或朗誦,嗓音卻如來自稚嫩柔軟的小女孩,帶有一絲天真又似有若無的哀傷,彷彿在懷想或哀悼著她心中那些過去的黃金年代與藝術傑作。

Lana 的復古形象中一直存在著美國夢與愛國的心,也曾在單曲〈Looking for America〉中寫道:「I’m still looking for my own version of America/One without the gun, where the flag can freely fly」在〈National Anthem〉MV 中以甘迺迪遇刺事件為主題,邀來歌手 A$AP Rocky 合作飾演甘迺迪總統,並且巧妙將自己飾演的 Jacqueline Kennedy(賈姬甘迺迪)與 Marilyn Monroe 融合成同個第一夫人的角色。

在 MV 的最後,Lana 囈語般獨白:

And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me.
We both knew it, right away.
And as the years went on, things got more difficult – we were faced with more challenges.
I begged him to stay. Try to remember what we had at the beginning.
He was charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it.
When he walked in every woman’s head turned, everyone stood up to talk to him.
He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn’t contain himself.
I always got the sense that he became torn between being a good person and missing out on all of the opportunities that life could offer a man as magnificent as him.

And in that way I understood him, and I loved him.
I loved him, I loved him, I loved him.

And I still love him. I love him.

Lana 將自己當時的寫作風格、感情觀與她對賈姬情感世界的想像結合在一起,寫下此段獨白;同時她的音感、語感恰如其分地將獨白與配樂調配成樂曲一般的存在,每個字和每個音符的配合都在完美的和諧中,有濃厚吟遊詩人的身影。

YouTube 多達百首未正式發行歌曲

Lana Del Rey 深受歌迷喜愛的未發行歌曲不計其數,甚至有不少曲目被認為優於某些正式收錄在專輯的選曲。如〈Fine China〉一曲為 Lana 作品中屬恬淡旋律的歌曲,但歌詞卻不若音樂韜光養晦,第一句就毫不留情地直戳人心唱道:「I wore diamonds for the birth of your baby/For the birth of your son/On the same day, my husband-to-be/Packed his things to run」詩意的呢喃道出感情中的失意。


Was bittersweet to say the least
One life begins, one comes undone
I’ve always been a strong woman of faith
Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one
I’m going down now

With all of my
Fine china and fresh linen
All of my dresses with them tags still on them
Fine china and dull silver
My white horses and my ivory almonds

詩詞與樂曲、經典與當代、另類與高雅,各式藝術之美的奇妙之處是各自獨立為美,相互融合輝映也是美。在 Lana Del Rey 的作品中,是詩詞成就了樂曲,抑或樂曲成就了詩詞,或許人人會有不同說法,也或許無需探究答案,她彷彿一位現代的「吟遊詩人」,同時透過歌曲和詩,傳遞她所受吸收、轉化進而創作出的音樂與文學綜合體,擄獲也影響了許多歌迷與創作者。

🌛感受靈感不寐的音樂脈搏,樂手巢雜誌 Vol.18 「午夜台北」出刊:

收藏 Lana Del Rey 的神祕:《薇奧菈在草地嬉戲》寄愛與生命於詩