防疫樂手隊,D’Addario 用 Evans G2 鼓皮開發面罩生產線


美國樂器品牌 D’Addario 是生產吉他弦與各種樂器配件的大廠,同時也是鼓皮品牌 Evans Drumheads 的母公司。為因應新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情全球大流行,D’Addario 善用自己的資源,利用 Evans G2 的雙層鼓皮開發醫療用面罩生產線,目標是每週增加10萬個防護面罩!

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D’Addario’s engineering team has found a way to transform Evans G2 drumheads into protective face shields for medical workers battling the coronavirus pandemic. The goal is to be in production by April 27th and to quickly ramp up to a capacity of 100,000 face shields per week. ⠀ We plan to manufacture these shields as long as they’re needed in NY or anywhere around the globe. We’ve watched the incredible efforts of our healthcare and essential services workers all across the world with great admiration. While we cannot match the immeasurable efforts of these selfless heroes, we feel an immense responsibility to do our part in overcoming this crisis. ⠀ We called this Project Excelsior after the New York State Motto, which means “Ever Upward” because it captured the extraordinary determination and can-do spirit of our small team of engineers and product designers. It also typifies our music company’s current credo during the crisis: #WeWillPlayOn. ⠀ Stay tuned to our stories for a look at how we built the shields.

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D’Addario 於4月9日在官方 Instagram 發文,打出標題「從鼓皮到面罩」公告:「D’Addario 的工程團隊已經找到一個方法,可以將 Evans G2 鼓皮改造成防護面罩,希望能幫助醫療人員對抗武漢肺炎疫情。目標訂為在4月27日之前投入生產,並且快速增加到每週10萬個防護面罩的生產量。只要紐約或全球任何地方有需求,我們都會計劃生產這些防護面罩。看著世界各地的醫療保健和基本服務人員驚人地奮鬥,我們感到非常欽佩。無私的英雄們付出無與倫比的努力,儘管無法相提並論,但我們感到有巨大的責任,必須盡一己之力克服這場危機。」

D’Addario 將此專案命名為 Project Excelsior,意指精益求精的計畫,靈感來自紐約州的座右銘,意指「不斷向上」(Ever Upward),反映 D’Addario 工程師和產品設計師團隊的非凡決心和進取精神,同時也代表他們企業在疫情期間的信念:#WeWillPlayOn(我們會繼續演奏)。欲了解面罩的最新生產方法,請上 D’Addario官網

延伸閱讀:Evans: Level 360品質進化的新鼓皮

文章更新:4/10 17:13


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