舞孃的喜悲沒人看見,FKA Twigs 聲援受疫情衝擊的性工作者


英國前衛流行音樂人FKA Twigs最近在募資網站GoFundMe發起「性工作者互助基金 Sex Worker Mutual Aid Funds」專案,希望為受新冠肺炎(COVID-19,俗稱武漢肺炎)影響的性工作者舒緩拮据的經濟狀況。為吸引大眾關注這個重要議題,8月4日她在Instagram提及自己的舞孃過往,認為性產業被社會所鄙夷,是時候致力保護與維護性工作者的權利了。

FKA Twigs表示,她在19歲首度學習鋼管舞,當時她在一間紳士俱樂部當舞女,一名脫衣舞孃教她怎麼做後鉤旋轉。這段年輕時的經歷使她的個性變得更為堅毅、強大,也在無形之中影響她的音樂及視覺藝術作品。「我知道和認識的性工作者都具有紀律、技藝、才華和職業道德,他們值得更好的長期待遇。」

眼見受嚴峻的疫情影響,許多性工作者已坐吃山空,許多人還無法獲得他人提供的經濟援助,FKA Twigs於是發起募款活動,她說:「我覺得現在該是我往前踏一步,表現尊重,並對性工作者面臨的挑戰注入一線生機,特別是在這段不確定的時期。」接下來她的社群頻道將有SWARM、Lysistrata 和ELSC 等性產業團體接力分享自己的工作狀態。

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i was 19 when i learnt my first pole move, i learnt a back hook spin from a stripper when i was working as a hostess in a gentleman’s club. for those of you who don’t know, hostessing is when one person pays another person for their time, anything from a conversation over dinner to sex work, and the club gets a cut of the fee. my lived experience as a very young woman in these environments has not only informed the strong and formidable woman that i am today, but also a lot of my work as a music and visual artist – sometimes even subconsciously. i feel like now is the time for me to step forward, pay respect, and shine a light on the challenges facing sex workers, especially during these uncertain times. sex workers I know and have met have discipline, craft, talent and work ethic – not only do they deserve better long-term, but their income has been wiped out by the lockdown and many are invisible to the financial aid available to others. there’s a bigger journey in challenging public attitudes, tackling stigma, and fighting for rights and protections – but today I’m inviting you to join me in helping with cash donations to SWARM, Lysistrata and ELSC. these organisations are providing direct financial support to strippers and sex workers, we’ve kicked off the the fund with £10,000 and you can donate at https://www.gofundme.com/f/sexworkermutualaidfunds this week, SWARM @swarmhive Lysistrata @lysistratamccf and ELSC @ethicalstripper will also be taking over my social media channels.

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