【Feature】Don’t look back in anger,Look back in Style

Oasis stars Liam and Noel Gallagher pictured at the Q Magazine music awards in London today (Fri). Oasis frontman Liam received the Best Act in the World trophy on behalf of the band at the 10th anniversary of the awards. See PA story SHOWBIZ Awards. Photo by Fiona Hanson/PA. 30/04/03 : Oasis stars Liam (left) and Noel Gallagher. The band's 1995 hit was named the greatest song of the past decade according to listeners of Virgin Radio. Music fans were asked to choose their favourite songs of the last 10 years to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Virgin Radio.


Oasis stars Liam and Noel Gallagher pictured at the Q Magazine music awards in London today (Fri). Oasis frontman Liam received the Best Act in the World trophy on behalf of the band at the 10th anniversary of the awards. See PA story SHOWBIZ Awards. Photo by Fiona Hanson/PA. 30/04/03 : Oasis stars Liam (left) and Noel Gallagher. The band's 1995 hit was named the greatest song of the past decade according to listeners of Virgin Radio. Music fans were asked to choose their favourite songs of the last 10 years to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Virgin Radio.
Oasis-Liam & Noel Gallagher

Oasis究竟會不會破鏡重圓仍是個撲朔迷離,儘管因為兄弟鬩牆而解散至今,沙漠中的人們依舊難忘綠洲,但Oasis時不時還出現在新聞報導中,尤其關於Oasis的紀錄片Supersonic上映在即,讓記憶中的綠洲更為鮮明。這部紀錄片主要聚焦在Oasis快速崛起的90年代,除了喚起了樂迷們五味雜陳的懷舊之情,跟著影像,我們也重溫了Oasis的時尚風格:Polo衫、Parka大衣、運動外套(Track Jacket)、變形蟲印花襯衫、還有約翰藍儂風格的賽璐璐手工鏡框眼鏡;對於那些不算熟悉Oasis的新世代來說,如果你以為Oasis崇尚英式搖滾那種緊到不行的Skinny Jeans風格,那可就大錯特錯了。


Liam Gallagher曾在Daily Mail的訪問中表示,自己的穿著打扮受到足球與休閒風很大的影響,而Oasis的風格更是來自60年代的Mods,看看他們前短後長的髮型就知道。Mods的基本配備是Parka風衣與偉士牌機車,而Mods最重要的精神就是「英國」,所以不管是Parka或是風衣都得是防風防雨的才行,加上不可或缺的Polo衫、牛仔褲與針織,鞋子最好是沙漠靴(Desert Boots)牛津鞋或樂福鞋,偶爾可以加上條紋西裝為基本的Mods制服升級一番。




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Sources: the idle man, Daily Mail

Images: Pinterest