

Metallica為美國鞭擊金屬(Thrash Metal)界的先驅,在80年代鞭擊金屬四巨頭(Thrash Metal Big Four)中屬最有影響力且具極大貢獻的重要代表樂團之一。雖然近期因為主唱James Hetfield要治療酒精成癮問題,導致樂團演出停擺,不過他們在重金屬音樂圈的地位仍屹立不搖,近期科學界新發現的一個甲殼類生物更將以Metallica的團名為靈感來命名!



森肯堡自然博物館(Senckenberg)的研究員Torben Riehl博士和根特大學(Ghent University)的Bart De Smet博士在北太平洋深處發現了這種新的甲殼類生物,因為牠們在完全黑暗且含有鈷、銅、錳、鎳和稀土元素等金屬元素的環境棲息,所以才以Metallica的團名為靈感,將其學名命名為「Macrostylis metallicola」。事實上,Torben Riehl從小就是Metallica的忠實歌迷,因此這次新物種的命名也是為向偶像致敬。


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We’ve played on all seven continents, made it into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and now… we’re a crustacean! Senckenberg researcher Dr. Torben Riehl and Dr. Bart De Smet of Ghent University in Belgium have discovered a new crustacean species in the depths of the northern Pacifica Ocean and decided to name it after some rock band… Welcome to our world Macrostylis metallicola! First of all, stellar name Dr. Riehl. Second, what an honor! Not only did Dr. Riehn name his discovery after a band as he has been a fan since childhood, The Thing That Should Not Be has a few things in common with us. The worm-like creature dwells in complete darkness, has no eyes, and is colorless. Talk about Blackened! It also lives amongst metallic nodules containing cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, and rare-earth elements. So it basically lives in a rock stadium? Now that’s one metal crustacean! You just never know what you’ll find lurking beneath the sea. Art by @anyfranksz

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Metallica近期因為主唱James Hetfield要治療長年以來的酒精成癮問題,所以在去年9月便宣布取消當時在澳洲及紐西蘭的巡演行程。原本今年2月20日終於復出公開表演,不過現在則又因為James Hetfield療程的關係,而取消了月的Sonic Temple音樂節以及9月的Louder Than Life音樂節。

資料來源:NMEMetallicaPEERJ.COMNational Geographic

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