Gerard Way的平行時空?我的另類羅曼史〈Helena〉催情80s版


2005年美國搖滾樂團My Chemical Romance(我的另類羅曼史)發行〈Helena〉,這首暢銷曲收錄於第二張錄音室專輯《Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge》,曲風表現激昂的情緒搖滾、龐克搖滾與歌德搖滾。9月25日在YouTube出現由Johan Olsson上傳的80年代版本,該曲巧妙結合80年代經典和弦、吉他獨奏與性感的薩克斯風等元素,浪漫憂傷的旋律就像80年代青春愛情文藝片在重要橋段會搭配的主題曲。於影片視覺也精心將MCR團員臉孔P成同時期樂團形象,精準到位的懷舊編曲引發樂迷熱烈迴響。

〈Helena〉80年代版普遍獲得正面評價,Johan Olsson在簡介寫道:「Gerard Way和男孩們從1984年就開始心碎了。」還有人開玩笑:「噢!那該死的巴掌。」「你是在51區(傳說美國用來研究外星人的基地)發現這首歌的吧?」「我記得My Chemical Romance甜美抒情的合奏,在80年代你根本逃不開他們,只可惜他們在1993年3月22日解散了。」(事實上My Chemical Romance成立於2001年, 2013年解散。)

想必不少人都對My Chemical Romance短暫的樂團生涯懷念不已,最近出現許多傑出的MCR作品翻唱與重新編曲版,如紐澤西搖滾樂團Save Face翻唱的〈Teenagers〉,唯妙唯肖地詮釋原版精神。主唱Tyler Povanda說:「《黑暗行軍》(The Black Parade,MCR 2006年發行的第三張錄音室專輯)是我歷來最愛的專輯之一。」

另外還有澳洲音樂人Alex Lahey與她的樂團Alex & Co.在《Like A Version》節目上重新詮釋〈Welcome To The Black Parade〉,並且獲得Gerard Way在Instagram上公開讚賞,欣賞他們全心投入,並加入其他樂器(如鐃鈸),每個人都在微笑,相當享受演出。

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This made my morning! Alex Lahey (@alex_lahey) and her band covering Welcome To The Black Parade. Last month, Frank told me about the beautiful Kimya Dawson (@kimyadawson) cover of Kids From Yesterday, which was so special. Then, a friend of mine just sent me a link to this Alex Lahey cover, which gave me chills (both covers did, really, and both for different reasons). I appreciated how delicate and raw and soulful Kimya’s cover was, it made me look at the song in a different way. And what I appreciate about Alex and Co’s Parade cover is how much they really went for it, and with all of the additional instruments (those cymbals!) and everyone singing and just smiling and having a good time. Really amazing performance. My friend told me to check out her album, I Love You Like A Brother and I thought it was great, you should check it out too if you like. But watch this performance if you can, and watch Kimya’s cover of Kids, it is on her Insta dated July 29th, and check out her amazing albums as well. It’s a really nice feeling to see such fantastic musicians appreciating our work. #alexlahey #kimyadawson #theblackparade #welcometotheblackparade

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Gerard Way目前忙於製作《雨傘學院》(The Umbrella Academy)影集版第三季,最近的音樂作品是2018年發行的個人專輯《Baby You’re a Haunted House》。



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