首頁匯聚多媒體創作的嶄新體驗,《ONE ART Taipei 2020藝術台北》7_L+ Lucie Chang Fine ArtsSneak out T偷偷溜走的T_Acrylic, Aerosol, and Oil Choke on Canvas畫布丙烯、噴漆、蠟筆_80 x 80 cm_2019

7_L+ Lucie Chang Fine ArtsSneak out T偷偷溜走的T_Acrylic, Aerosol, and Oil Choke on Canvas畫布丙烯、噴漆、蠟筆_80 x 80 cm_2019

6_KOGURENTEN_坪田昌之Masayuki TSUBOTA_the layer of self (YT-1039)_18.5×26.5×12_ gesso, powdered mineral pigments, glue on basswood_2016
8_秋華洞_村上仁美Murakami Hitomi_Murakami Hitomi_Distant thunder 遠雷_2019

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