瞪鞋傳奇跨界聯名!Supreme推出My Bloody Valentine系列單品


瞪鞋樂團My Bloody Valentine近幾年沒有推出音樂作品,連原本上架在Spotify的歌曲也在2018年就移除,樂迷們雖然遲遲等不到他們現身,美國街頭品牌Supreme卻宣布今年春夏推出My Bloody Valentine聯名系列單品,要將他們的經典唱片封面設計呈現在服飾上,想要入手的樂迷們多加留意!

My Bloody Valentine是1983年成立於愛爾蘭都柏林的樂團,自1987年起,成員包括吉他手Kevin Shields、鼓手Colm Ó Cíosóig、主唱Bilinda Butcher和貝斯手Debbie Googe。他們以中性的人聲和飄渺旋律著稱,音樂受到後龐克的影響,並隨著在樂壇的發展而不斷變化。相繼發行了幾張的EP皆備受好評,經典專輯《Loveless》更使他們聲名大噪,成為瞪鞋搖滾(Shoegaze)和噪音流行(noise pop)的代表性團體。

雖然近年他們沒有推出音樂作品,不過最近Supreme發布了和My Bloody Valentine合作聯名的系列商品,選用了他們的專輯封面設計轉化成服裝上的圖案,並一口氣帶來Trucker Jacket、Rayon Shirt、Hooded Sweatshirt以及T-Shirt等服飾單品。

首先是My Bloody Valentine 1988年的EP《Feed Me With Your Kiss》,Supreme將封面的人臉滿版印上夾克,還有各種顏色的短袖T-Shirt與襯衫。另外1990年EP《Glider》的系列T-Shirt上,除了將封面的舌吻圖案放上,衣服背面下方也列出EP中的四首歌曲名稱。

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My Bloody Valentine/Supreme. 04/23/2020⁣ ⁣ My Bloody Valentine is an Irish/English band originally formed in 1983 in Dublin by Kevin Shields and Colm Ó Cíosóig. They formalized their lineup in London with the addition of Debbie Googe on bass and Bilinda Butcher on guitar and vocal.⁣ ⁣ My Bloody Valentine set the template for shoegazing — the dreamy, droning subgenre that emerged in its wake. Shields’s experimental ‘glide’ guitar technique is the core of the group’s pioneering sound. Modifying his equipment and using alternative tunings, Shields constructed tracks rich with texture, reverb and feedback. Inspired by hip-hop and deep house — and brightened by Butcher’s ethereal vocals — My Bloody Valentine’s music shape-shifts. It’s hazy, dissonant, abstract, yet rhythmic, sensual and warm. ⁣ ⁣ The band followed its breakthrough 1988 debut album Isn’t Anything with Loveless, considered one of the landmark records of the 1990s. Loveless’s production was famously labored, but its impact was instant. “[My Bloody Valentine] was the first band I heard who quite clearly pissed all over us,” said The Cure’s Robert Smith. “Their album Loveless is certainly one of my all-time three favorite records.” Loveless defied all convention, and with it, My Bloody Valentine has influenced generations of musicians and audiences. The band forged new possibilities in how to make noise music, as well as how to listen to and experience it. In 2013, the band released mbv, its first record in 22 years.⁣ ⁣ This Spring, Supreme will release a collection featuring original album artwork from My Bloody Valentine’s discography. The collection consists of a Trucker Jacket, Rayon Shirt, Hooded Sweatshirt and two T-Shirts.⁣ ⁣ Available online only April 23rd.⁣ ⁣ Available in Japan online only April 25th. ⁣ ⁣ As our stores in the US, UK, France and Japan are temporarily closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, shipping fees will be waived on all orders over $150.⁣

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聯名系列也少不了《Loveless》專輯的相關設計單品,這是My Bloody Valentine的第二張錄音室作品,發行於1991年,由要求極端完美的吉他手Kevin Shields製作,歷經了多次錄製、費時兩年才完成,被樂迷和樂評們奉為瞪鞋搖滾典範。而粉色朦朧的專輯封面是由Angus Cameron所拍攝的吉他照片,這次被Supreme印製在帽T與襯衫上,讓樂迷們能將經典穿上身,目前已於4月23日在Supreme網站發售。

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My Bloody Valentine/Supreme. 04/23/2020

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Supreme身為街頭品牌,也推崇不同層面的音樂及藝術文化,早在2015年就和加拿大民謠傳奇Neil Young合作推出經典的人物肖像T-Shirt、法蘭絨襯衫與西部風格配件。去年他們也發售The Smiths和The Velvet Underground樂團專輯的相關單品,跨界合作的多變令人玩味。

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