走出離婚陰霾,兄妹樂團The Band Perry新歌闡述開啟美好生活


The Band Perry七月發布新單曲〈The Good Life〉描繪了因不忠而結束的一段關係之陰鬱面,MV由主唱Kimberly Perry親身演出,闡述一段關係中的欺騙隱瞞,Kimberly Perry在當中飾演企圖克服一切的女人,歌詞寫著:「我不想要一個解釋/我不想仍然是朋友/我只是想打斷你的脖子」描繪情感中逝去的愛與殘存的恨。

The Band Perry是個名副其實的「家庭樂團」,由主唱兼吉他手Kimberly Perry、貝斯手兼和聲Reid Perry、以及負責曼陀林和特殊樂器bouzouki的Neil Perry三兄妹組成,2010年10月12日發行首張專輯,其中歌曲〈If I Die Young〉最蔚為人知,打下美國Billboard Hot Country Songs和Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks排行第一名。2015年,獲得葛萊美獎最佳鄉村演唱組合的肯定。

▲〈If I Die Young〉是The Band Perry名曲,youtube播放次數已經超過1.7億次。

新歌〈The Good Life〉正是Kimberly Perry的自身寫照,2018年,Kimberly Perry和結婚四年的美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)球員J.P. Arencibia離婚,也在球迷和樂迷之間掀起討論,Kimberly Perry終於在近日訪談中誠實說自己已經準備好「再次開始戀情」,自分開以來,Kimberly Perry坦承自己也有所成長,對於生活有了新的視角,並對於新戀情的可能持開放態度。

Kimberly Perry也在Instagram 坦言,〈The Good Life〉這首歌源自她的真實經驗,她明白了自己已學習到自身價值並不需要透過他人或他人的行為驗證。「對我來說,我們可以選擇我們要的生活(離婚後),美好生活談的是,讓我們離開現在,讓精神面變得健康。」

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“Tonight on the eve of my birthday and of the release of THE GOOD LIFE I have a few things to say. THE GOOD LIFE is a story about the infidelity I experienced. I want you to know that this song was written during a toxic and incredibly difficult time in my life, but I’m singing it to you now with the voice of a woman who has completely regained a strong sense of self, rebuilt her womanhood, and is grateful to have learned so much. The lyrics in this song are visceral and strong, just as the feelings have been. I feel empowered by them. I hope they empower you to know your value, and if you find yourself in an environment where someone makes you feel disrespected and degraded, I want you to know that you deserve so much more. It’s ok that things don’t go as planned and it’s also ok to not have a new plan yet. And for those who who tell lies, who take advantage of others’ trust and dignity – DO BETTER. I’m so grateful to be here and to blow out candles celebrating another year in my good life. Thank you for caring about my story and for listening. The song coming out tonight is one I needed to make to remind myself that my life is not defined by one ugly situation, my body is not diminished by one uninterested person, and my self worth is not determined by anyone else’s words or behavior. Neither is yours. So many songs coming your way! I love you all. K xx”

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The Band Perry也將於秋季開始他們的The Good Life北美巡迴演出,預計十月份開跑。而甫於8月份發布的新曲〈NITE SWIM〉,也以夜裡的泳渡形容即將開展的輕快漫遊。



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