接軌新浪潮與經典搖滾,The Cars主唱Ric Ocasek逝世,卒年75歲


嗓音獨特的The Cars主唱、唱片製作人Ric Ocasek,是The Cars的主唱與主要創作人,樂團錄製的每首歌幾乎都是他寫的,如〈You Might Think〉、〈My Best Friend’s Girl〉、〈Good Times Roll〉等曲皆表現出幽默的音樂劇風格。透過他桀驁不馴的嗓音、顛簸不穩的節奏吉他、密集的鍵盤,以及為舞池打造的節拍,大力啟動新浪潮(New Wave)樂章,幫助融合流行樂與新浪潮曲風。2018年以The Cars團員身份入駐搖滾名人堂。15日週日因心臟病在紐約家中逝世,享壽75歲。

▲美國歌手、音樂創作人、唱片製作人、畫家Ric Ocasek (1944-2019),是The Cars(汽車合唱團)的主唱、節奏吉他手。

Ric Ocasek的音樂生涯始於1978年The Cars的首張同名專輯,1988年樂團解散後,他以個人身份持續發表作品,並投入唱片製作,塑造Weezer的藍色與綠色專輯,以及龐克樂團Bad Brains的《Rock for Light》專輯等。

Weezer在Instagram上向Ric Ocasek致敬:「Ric對我們意義重大,他製作了三張Weezer的關鍵專輯,包括藍色、綠色與2014年的《Everything Will Be Alright in the End》,並教導我們每個人關於錄音、歌曲藝術等眾多關於音樂的技藝。但更重要的是,他告訴我們,一個握有巨大力量、處於被尊崇的地位的人,同時也能絕對謙虛,並擁有這個產業鏈中最甜蜜無比的心。」

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The whole weezer family is devastated by the loss of our friend and mentor Ric Ocasek, who passed away Sunday. Ric meant so much to us. He produced 3 key weezer albums, Blue, Green and 2014's "Everything…", and taught all of us so much about music, recording and songcraft. But more importantly he taught us that one can be in a respected position of great power and yet be absolutely humble and have the biggest sweetest heart in the industry. Ric was so kind to us, and never faltered or changed a thing either professionally or personally in the 3 different decades we worked with him. When you were his friend, it was for life, and he was always as generous as could be with his time and care. He is the only producer to have worked with all 7 current and past weezer members, and all 7 love and loved working with him and hanging out with him. There is a massive hole in weezer's heart now. We will miss him forever, and will forever cherish the precious times we got to work and hang out with him. Rest in Peace and rock on Ric, we love you. #RIPRicOcasek #weezerfam #karlscorner

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2018年The Cars入駐搖滾名人堂(Rock & Roll Hall of Fame),形容樂團「精巧扣合新浪潮與經典搖滾成完美複合。」The Killers主唱Brandon Flowers去年為The Cars入駐搖滾名人堂擔任引言人,稱Ric Ocasek是「我的第一個國王」,在青年時期發現The Cars,鋪展他的職涯道路,成為自己想成為的大人,也找到幸福與心愛的女子結為連理。

Ric Ocasek生於巴爾的摩的波蘭天主教家庭,父親是一名計算機系統分析師,小時候因愛上The Crickets的〈That’ll Be the Day〉,祖母送他一把吉他作為禮物。青年時期開始練吉他,練琴卡住便轉向定期創作音樂,為了讓作品能被聽見,隨之成立樂團,設想如果演奏得好,也能激發更多創作靈感。除了樂團,也發表個人作,最暢銷的歌曲是與The Cars風格一致的〈Emotion in Motion〉,收錄於1986年的個人專輯《This Side of Paradise》。

生前共擁有三段婚姻,是6個孩子的父親,與第三任妻子Porizkova在1989年結婚並於去年宣布離婚。直到最後,Ric Ocasek都對音樂堅定不移。

▲Ric Ocasek的兒子在Instagram發文,提及父親喜愛塗鴉,並附上其生前最後一張塗鴉的照片,寫道:「他突然過世,令人意外也萬分心碎。昨天我們在他的扶手椅發現這張最後的塗鴉,他始料未及這張圖最後會給我們什麼樣的意義。我們非常愛他。」

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RIP #RicOcasek

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▲Slash發文向Ric Ocasek致敬。



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