森林大火後重生,Iggy Pop愛鳥Biggy被任命為澳洲野生動物醫院創建大使


還記得2019底延燒至2020年初的澳洲森林大火嗎?驚心動魄的惡火對當地生態造成毀滅性的破壞,而守護野生動物新生的重責大任現在交到了Biggy Pop身上。牠是Iggy Pop 12年前收養的鳳頭鸚鵡,最近這隻會跟著龐克大神爸爸一起唱歌跳舞的小傢伙,被澳大利亞的拜倫灣野生動物醫院(Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital)任命為創建大使,負責連結與支持自己的同類與其他野生動物,任務之一是成立一間最大的行動野生動物醫院。

大約12年前,Iggy Pop在佛羅里達州偏遠地區的路邊攤發現當時還很小的Biggy,攤販把牠塞進小咖啡杯裡,旁邊還放了一些雞,看起來前途未卜、處於險境之中,因此搖滾巨星決定收養這隻雛鳥,用愛守護並負起責任。此後,Iggy Pop付出很多關愛,也從聰明的Biggy身上獲得許多快樂。

Biggy Pop表示:「我是一隻鳥,也是真正的野生鳥,我在澳洲有很多鸚鵡表親。聽到有1.8億隻鳥死於災難性的森林大火,超過30億隻澳洲原生動物在這場危機中喪生,我感到很哀傷。」「我的爸爸Iggy多次造訪澳大利亞,包括在拜倫灣藍調音樂節(Byron Bay Bluesfest)表演過兩次。他告訴我,這是一個非常酷的地方,人們喜愛大自然、熱愛音樂、跳舞、藝術與創造力,聽起來就像我的地盤。」

拜倫灣野生動物醫院創辦人Stephen Van Mil博士說:「當我們聽說Iggy和我們一樣關心野生動植物時,請Biggy Pop擔任我們的創始守護神很完美的抉擇。我們非常開心且深感榮幸能請牠為我們發聲。」更多募款詳情,請上醫院官網(連結)。

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Hey Everyone! Hope life is being kind to you. I’m on a bit of a break (I’ll be back real soon), but in the meantime, please check out my friends at the Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital. They are doing amazing work for my wildlife cousins in need of treatment, rehabilitation, and general preservation and protection in Aus (one of the most beautiful places on planet earth). We all know from our peeps on the West Coast in the US, how devastating fires can be to people, of course…but also to animal populations. Last year was particularly catastrophic for Australia. Now BBWH is on a mission to help preserve the animals that are left, as they truly are, a global treasure. If you have a moment, please take a look at what they are doing, and if you are in a position to donate, please do that too. I’ll see you all before you know it?♥️. #BiggyPop #IggyPop #iggypopofficial #ByronBayWildlife #Moluccan #Cockatoo #Wildlife #Conservation #Birds #Snakes #Roos #Koalas #Australia #ByronBay @byronbaywildlife

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??樂手巢雜誌Vol. 8《音樂宅時光》6月出刊
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