

將近四年沒有發行專輯的美聲天后Adele,最近結束了長達8年的感情,原本外界認為Adele 會再休息一陣子、收拾心情後才推出作品,不過就在Adele 31歲生日這天,她除了發表感言勇敢面對低潮之外,更宣布了新專輯的最新消息。

擁有渾厚美聲的Adele,在19歲那年以超齡的嗓音及音樂作品驚艷樂壇,當時被譽為繼Amy Winehouse之後最受矚目的靈魂女新秀。在感傷迷濛的復古氣息之中,Adele的知名度隨之竄起,專輯《19》、《21》、《25》接連發行後,收錄的單曲各個成為經典熱播曲目,也讓Adele得到歌后封號。

▲Adele第一張錄音室專輯《19》在英國發行首周即登上英國專輯榜冠軍,其中〈Chasing Pavements〉是收錄於該專輯的熱門單曲之一。

在歌唱事業獲得成功後,Adele和企業家Simon Konecki的愛情也長跑多年,兩人育有一名兒子Angelo,且2017年她在葛萊美頒獎典禮獲獎致詞時,更甜蜜公開已成為人妻的喜訊。然而上星期Adele卻無預警宣布和Simon Konecki已經分開,並將共同撫養兒子。




在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


This is 31…thank fucking god ? 30 tried me so hard but I’m owning it and trying my hardest to lean in to it all. No matter how long we’re here for life is constant and complicated at times. I’ve changed drastically in the last couple years and I’m still changing and that’s okay. 31 is going to be a big ol’ year and I’m going to spend it all on myself. For the first time in a decade I’m ready to feel the world around me and look up for once. Be kind to yourself people we’re only human, go slow, put your phone down and laugh out loud at every opportunity. Learning to REALLY truly love yourself is it, and I’ve only just realized that that is more than enough. I’ll learn to love you lot eventually ? Bunch of fucking savages, 30 will be a drum n bass record to spite you. Chin up eh ❤️

Adele(@adele)分享的貼文 於 張貼

▲Adele 31歲生日時在Instagram表達一路以來的心聲,以及對嶄新生活的期待。



樂手巢雜誌 Vol.3 —《音樂人的空間對話》
#全台索取地點: https://mag.ysolife.com/
