英國新年榮譽榜:Queen鼓手Roger Taylor獲頒大英帝國勳章


Queen皇后樂團鼓手Roger Taylor入列英國新年榮譽榜,獲頒大英帝國勳章(OBE),這份清單於Theresa May擔任總理期間草擬並批准,旨在獎勵一系列在藝術與運動界有卓越貢獻的傑出人士。Roger Taylor以皇后樂團鼓手的身份聞名於世,他致力於宣導愛滋防治工作,發行一部以皇后樂團暢銷曲為主題的音樂劇,並且在1999年登上皇家郵政郵票的大不列顛系列(Great Britons),當時郵票人物多來自皇室,且鮮少為在世者,因此引起熱門話題。

Roger Taylor於1949年在諾福克郡金斯林出生,通曉各種樂器,在Brian May創立的Smile樂團(Queen前身)中擔任鼓手,並在Queen中創作〈These Are The Days Of Our Lives〉、〈Innuendo〉、〈Under Pressure〉等歌曲,也對〈Radio Ga Ga〉、〈A Kind Of Magic〉等暢銷曲有貢獻。1970年Smile以Queen改頭換面,當時Roger Taylor婉拒擔任Genesis創世紀樂團的鼓手(因此由Phil Collins出任),他也是Queen中率先發行個人作的團員,作品是1977年的歌曲〈I Wanna Testify〉,之後發行一系列專輯。

1991年,Queen靈魂主唱Freddie Mercury因愛滋病引發的支氣管肺炎過世,享年45歲。摯友與音樂好夥伴逝世後,Roger Taylor開始在世界各地倡導對愛滋的認識與關注。2019年宣布他將協助監督倫敦卡姆登鎮成立「音樂星光大道」(Music Walk Of Fame)。

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Congratulations Rog OBE !!! ???? What does OBE mean ? Well, for all you non-Brits, let me explain. The letters stand for “Order of the British Empire” – a traditional honour presented to people who have achieved worthy things in the eyes of … well, the British Monarchy, under advice. It’s the beginning of a whole spectrum of honours. Next one up is the MBE – “Member of the British Empire” – and above that is the CBE – “Commander of the British Empire”. The next level of the game is a KBE – a Knighthood – which entitles the recipient to be known as “Sir”. I received a CBE some years ago. It doesn’t change your life very much apart from giving you some letters to put after your name in correspondence ! The award which really moves you to a different place in Society is when they make you a LORD – which entitles you (or requires you) to sit in the a House of Lords, participating in the passing of British laws and policies. So there ya go ! Who decides these things ? Well, it’s all done quietly behind closed doors by a small committee – but most awards have been lobbied for, by friends and colleagues who feel the person deserves recognition. !!! @blueprintblues says the credit for this photo is Thilo Rahn, found by @dereones. Thanks Guys ! And thanks Thilo ! Bri

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與此同時,Queen推出一款應用程式「FreddieMeter」,讓樂迷可以像Freddie Mercury一樣歌唱,並透過分析演唱者的音高、音色和旋律,顯示0到100的分數,向用戶顯示他們的聲音與一代主唱的傳奇音域的接近程度。可選擇的歌曲共有四首,包含〈Bohemian Rhapsody〉、〈Don’t Stop Me Now〉、〈Somebody to Love〉和〈We Are the Champions〉,唱完還可以向朋友下戰帖一起挑戰喔!



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